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Do not send money to anyone promising to ship Cannabis, report such ads. Currently few locations legally allow for Cannabis transactions between private parties. For your protection, be sure any transactions between you and other parties are legally allowed to take place

Ideal Cultivation Facility for the Right Partner

Product Details:

Steadfast here in Oakland for 25 yrs, I have a perfect facility for crushing out top quality max yields running >200 lights, & I happen to require a capital/operations partner (day-shift) to do a 50/50 split w/ me on this lucrative opportunity. I'm picky who that partner is going to be, as they actually need to be the one that goes the long-haul in building a successful California lifestyle brand w/ me. I can't help but notice that the ONLY crop holding steady lately, at the top of the food chain, is "hyper exotic" indoor. It is prime time for an EPIC pheno-hunt (I trade seeds w/ world-class geneticists & have many rare ones) & a combined expert breeding campaign of dark purple/blue flower. I have 4 CA Licenses, vertically integrated. I work for over 50 Licenses as a green-zone cultivation consultant, deal fixer, product sourcing agent & "loophole advisor" cannabis jack-of-all-trades. My new 50/50 partner should be of similar caliber, a like-minded cannabis operator. This position requires: (Prerequisite #1), capital ( ~350-650K total, depending on gear & build choices, & I will pay back 50% 0f the build out of the first 4-5 harvests, w/ the 50/50 rent buy-in -- including ~TBD months of rent paid in advance -- 90K-100K – & yes, that is a great deal, considering the >$1M I have already spent on the project (Prerequisite #2), you must be able to really call yourself a weed farmer to my face. Call me to discuss all this/more, & see if we have a good fit. Please TEXT FIRST (Signal App is best, bust regular SMS text is fine) 7O7.4I9.O6I9 (< anit-bot) & I look forward to talking w/ you soon, High Regards -- Nick.

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Very 1st Wooden 420 Pipe We Ever Made

4 years ago



This is the very first wooden 420 pipe we ever made. We kept it and still use it today!

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Thumbnail for video titled London pound cake Watch Video
London pound cake

4 years ago



London Pound cake 10/10 frosty purp batch, gassy nose, same genetics that goes into the club

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Stoners.org Cannabis Social Network