I Got Robbed Buying Weed
5 years ago
Like my videos? Show some love here x3: https://www.paypal.me/BrittanySmokesWeed -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- So.. this happened. I'm just glad that me and my friend weren't hurt or anything. This was a total drug deal gone wrong lol. Please be careful buying weed guys! Especially if you are not buying from a dispensary. "SUBSCRIBE" To Brittany Smokes Weed for more (: "LIKE" this video if you like weed. Thank you so much for coming back for another video! MY SOCIAL MEDIA: My ART BLOG: http://hxcdesigns.tumblr.com/ TUMBLR: http://hxc-riot.tumblr.com/ FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/hxc.riot SNAPCHAT: stoner-loner
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